Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Remove Aluminum Oxide

what has been said in the press DOGS

AGONISTS DOGS (Francisco Miranda , LOM Ediciones, 1997)

"Tales of" Dogs agonist speak of social outcasts, dreams and frustrations of the people, especially young people, unjustly neglected and abused by society. His characters-subproletarians, vagrants, drug addicts, thieves, prostitutes, are inserted in the tradition of a theater (Miguel Acevedo Hernández, Isidora Aguirre, Juan Radrigán) and narrative (Baldomero Lillo, Generation of 38, Manuel Rojas) that reflects on the dispossessed, the tragic destiny of man, his despair. "
"... where the craft of writing is an important activity, revealing a set of awareness that is building a universe eloquently ... The reader is constantly caught up and seduced by a narrator who is recalling committed their own existence and while that of others. (...) Bring out the falsity of the provisions and to repeal the limit is the most subversive gesture, expressed in a popular, fun, not evade the reality and is used as a barricade against the other occupied spaces by the authoritarian power. "
"Its themes and motifs-search highlights the erotic as vital energy, we speak directly to the social problems of our precarious position in society. The characters, aware of being part of a caboose, are characterized in a dynamic, whose fate is changeling by concrete experience, poverty, human misery and devastation, social and natural resources caused by the affluent society and arrogant. Are characters in a culture, bad call, postmodern and has designed the human being as an inveterate traveler margins, the edges. (...) Thus, the marginal is one who is seduced, not get caught " 1.
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"The twenty stories included in agony Dogs narrative confirms that in recent years Chilean Francisco Miranda provides a vital way of narrating, defined by characters and situations that remind us of a world we think we know much, but we are not always able to recognize with deep ... "
" ... is an author who, in developing their stories, can appraise a watchful eye to capture the conditions of its environment, that relates to the proximity of a witness interested in recreating experiences, with straightforward language, compelling, authentic in each of its turns. Her stories are tough, violent, and the daily history of neoprene and helplessness repeated daily in every corner of our people. His characters live on the edge, with no way out of marginality that hits them. Not even love or dreams are able to redeem them. "
"It tells a good story is, among other things, that a reader does not forget and that causes him to reread the same astonishment, the attraction of the first reading. And the stories that remain in memory are always those that reflect the human condition with strong features and deep. In the stories of Francisco Miranda that humanity is present in distress and rebellion of his real characters ... Stories that evidence to an incisive storyteller who builds his narrative scaffolding with good stories and the recreation of a language according to the characteristics of the characters. With these elements, manages that complicity, as I said Julio Cortazar, is the essence of the relationship between a good story and its readers " 2.
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"The imagery of this volume of stories (re) construct a Santiago, a part of it, which gradually has opened cracks in the literary scene. A marginal world, which by its own force shatters the mirror of the images set. The violence, overt and deadly, crime, drug addict evasion, neglect, despair, cross streets and corners of the West bank of the city, where the general stories of these stories. Are 21 short texts, featuring characters whose mere existence is a rebellion of the social model and, therefore, a question. The crime emergency moves to overcome his procrastination, but it widens the hole in which they occur. In stark prose, which takes the turns of colloquial speech, and the creation of authentic characters, the set is worth more for the genuine and strong before the world narrated by anecdotes 3.
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"Dogs agony is an alternative to the literature of splendor."
"... Francisco Miranda is trying to take the peace unceremoniously everyday to push readers to cast a glance of mistrust and suspicion about him, fearing to find some of the many marginalized menacingly roam the dark corners of the prestigious contemporary economic reality. "
"Literature often becomes annoying in a form of consciousness. Complaint that readers did not want to receive or show that they would not want or they simply refuse to contemplate. Dogs agonizing tales illuminate the back of a seedy society that deluded by the glitter of unbridled capitalism persists in ignoring their feet of clay, the existence of victims of the process or those who have remained in their margins. "
"The Language of Dogs agonist adequately accommodates the purposes irreverent. There is no clear or bright colors in their vocabularies. Only different shades of darkness alternating with the dark color of blood. A merit worth mentioning is the creation of a familiar style in which alternate with deformations of the popular dialect and foreign words in the language imposed by the dominant capitalist system " 4.
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"Dogs agonist is a storybook tale has nothing. Chile is pure reality. Written by Francisco Miranda, shows the dogs survivors who perform acts of identity, survival, attack, and humor. One might say that literature is "social", but their literary quality is undeniable in their strength, their language and perspective life, its brevity and its undisguised exasperation.
"The book can be read by writers and sociologists, but mostly young people from all sectors, who will identify with these very same otherness. No ideology, metaphysics and political ointment. It is more or less, the reality live and direct, unfiltered without morality of circumstance style reality shows "TV. -Short-stories are unique in the world show the limits of popular youth, and are also detailed portrait of the other side: the rope, the formality of the institutional and other stuff everyday. The author adheres to these characters on the verge of final defeat, the exclusion transformed into jail, the crime unintended consequence of which is unmanageable circumstances; of the rage and exasperation paroxysm of boundless frustration varied: family, school, work, sentimental. The stories do not necessarily follow the convention-development start-end. Sometimes chronic open only we do not know how it ends. Dogs have no agonizing pituto a small-but not, go for yours, in full swing.
"The boys are angry aperrados. Against anyone in particular, against everybody in general. Against the militia, against exploitation at work, family, school, everything. They are not rebels, but rebels in a reflective unfortunate situation. Are scarce and uncertain time and the author's expressive form allows for a continuity in form and substance of the narrative. The stories are short and short is the life of some of his characters: some are dying, others die " 5. _______________
an Aguilar, Milton, Las Ultimas Noticias, July 19, 1997, p. 23.
2 Days Eterovic, Ramon, Punto Final, Year XXXI, No. 402, 5 to September 24, 1997, p. 18.
3 La Tercera, Monday October 17, 1997, p. 45.
4 Promis, José, NOW Magazine, No. 1057, from 27 October to 2 November 1997, p. 57.
5 Jiménez, Gustavo (sociologist), The Nation, Saturday October 23, 1999, p. 4.


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