Tuesday, August 24, 2010

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Dancing with the ugly

Left to their own
Patricia Espinosa. LUN - Friday January 22, 2010, p. 46
This is the third narrative production of Francisco Miranda. This is a sixteen stories with varied along its length, but not in its themes. Miranda explored in the short story, which is clearly not his forte, and more stories of encouragement, but in all prevailing disillusionment, defeat, failure, accompanied by stormy anger and sentimentality, where sometimes, just sometimes, there the possibility of obstructing the course of those facing Dante have no part in society.
Miranda's narrative opens up a place to marginalized and constructed with great precision. There are people stranded, victims of a system but also ancestral certain fatality ever given the past. So, everything tends to degrade and each story gives an account of the disturbance, the exasperation of one who gives the fight and you risk even though everything around him seems arranged against him.
A central theme in this narrative it is the domination suffered by the common man, marking their routines, their wanderings invisible to the city and the constant presence of his word, whose main function seems to be solely represent the loneliness. Before the image of nobody, the unsuccessful, is the system that ignores him and conspiring to its destruction. However, the protagonists of these stories show a tremendous dignity in the desolation of his mind, expressed both in silent rage that is to be saved, and in a rage that destroys the environment.
Resentment is clearly an important and well-crafted leitmotiv in This collection of stories, but not about the anger and helplessness of an individual complaining, whose words ring as direct testimony, on the contrary, each story always contains clues to a social order gone through exclusion lies the origin of his condition. Without making the author literature in a speech whose sole focus is the insurgency, highlights the story ("Untitled"), a tale of great clarity, emotion and hope across the country's history with that of a dignified family and terror a man who faces death and speaks to those who survive. Miranda says: "We will resist ... to fight against forgetting and overcoming impunity."
Beyond the macho title of the book, Francisco Miranda demonstrates an important literary strength to deal with fear, irritation, but also the pride of the damned forever to homelessness and abuse. Facing
dance with the ugly
By Ramón Díaz Eterovic
"Dancing with the ugly" is the latest published ¬ tion of Francisco Miranda, author of a comprehensive and narrative register in highlighting titles such as novel "The union" and "Dogs agonizing." In these books, Miranda set the keys to his narrative, linked to a kind of poetics of marginality that reaffirms on "Dancing with the ugly" set of stories featuring characters who survive on odd jobs, petty thieves, travelers without fixed destination, the penultimate young people drinking beer at any corner of the neighborhood as they feel that life is escaping them. Characters who seek meaning in their days, even though they know or sense that will never fall on their shoulders the stardust and are part of a company that only offers the possibility of being cannon fodder.
particular thing, and what ultimately is one of his best contribution, is how our narrative Miranda joined a social world usually omitted or caricatured. Miranda knows what he writes, he knows first hand, so his stories have a tone of authenticity, a fresh and vital treatment that convicts and draws, as is evident in his story "The nephews of Cain." Miranda's work shows degraded situations in which all the characters seem to be forever doomed to "dance with the ugly" at parties who always get the tail-two.
Another highlight in this new book by Miranda are the futuristic story, where the marginalization is associated with the inevitable abandonment of urban areas we know today, and the imposition of a style society where feelings and behaviors of individuals are open or covertly manipulated-two, which the eye responds extrapolation of the control of wills today manifested through the media, aimed at the imposition of vain desires and content that numb and misinform.
"Dancing with the ugly" contains stories that attract particular, as "Tremors," where two characters Mercalli and Richter intend to revolutionize the country assaults and robberies combined perfectly studied earthquakes, or "Recycle Bin" in which buying a stolen computer takes the protagonist to go into the hidden world of a writer as unknown as enigmatic. Miranda
tales are provocative, they provide a different perspective and are written the office of an author who narrates with vitality. Back when we learned of their first stories, said they were proof of the hand of a narrator incisor, which handles well the resources of the story, which builds its narrative scaffolding based on good stories and the recreation of an urban language consistent with the characteristics of characters. And all this, ratifies and perfects in the stories of "Dancing with the ugly."
Stories with laugh track
By Fernanda Donoso / The Nation. Tuesday December 22, 2009 has a rare frequency of spelling mistakes: One of the books most Chileans in the world. Phrasing, weather, wave, language, characters, everything is explained by a source that is limitation and possibility. A language that at times is a display of freedom, and too often is thrown into the pool of the obvious.
The tone is: "Finally, before retreating, went to pour a beer with burgers, by then a dead dog true." Or: "The sense of an almost girl, who gave my young father to be a love pure and fruitful." Miranda's forte is the narrative of neurotic love, girls difficult trásfugas rates.
In "Tremors", Germain Paul Richter and Mercalli create the MTMF, Ferrada Muñoz quake: perfect carry out attacks that match the very moment when an earthquake. Have flown from banks in Concepcion, a complex agro-exporter in Talca, and shipping companies in Punta Arenas, in the midst of large seismic waves, a blown up "of bottles of champagne and minitas cuicas."
A-terrorism exercise quake that has left hundreds of casualties and ends before a tsunami, with a scene such as "Thelma and Louise," the movie.
"A true Navy fleet surrounded them. Alerted by satellite data NASA had to see what it was that. Lacking only the aircraft carriers and submarines, but would not have been more. The shooting lasted less than half an hour before the Mercalli fell wounded and unable to say his last words. Richter closed her eyelids and detonated the explosive charge. "
"My marriage was a disaster," he writes later, "Fiesta", a fun mini short.
"She was dancing with her friend from high school all night. After he got drunk and let me pay. I found in the bedroom. They were kissing, I'm pretty sure. Discussed. He told me he was tired of my jealousy. I hit him a slap in the face. It got a cousin. I sent his family to the ridge. I returned about two hours. " Do not stop until the groom arrives at the brink of suicide. "Dancing with the ugly" is a parody writing and oral narrative tone. The world laughs with manager's style of telling jokes in the ride of the company: a band of laugh track could do with.
Dancing with the ugly,
Francisco Miranda, the devil
2009, 107 pages.


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