Eo nanos and nannies! What is there?
hand in the air! shit! as tribal dances, MEXA
I Retirao a while since I followed an oral rehabilitation treatment because after all the years of living in Piedrukistán (Hill 4) well attached to the outbreak ended up ruining the teeth and could not eat as more than tamales and atole as 3 months, the band. Then I lose weight or not, just lost my beautiful teeth but I got a new gold and here are again handing me todo; al cienón como buchón pero sin lo naco. Bien ready para hablarles de mi fe por la hamburguesa y un lugar que AMO.
Este puestuki está ubicado sobre Terranova en la esquina con Bonifacio Andrada y no es exageración cuando digo que ofrece lo que mi paladar considera una de las tres mejores hamburguesas en esta hermosa ciudad. La Perlaki.
En Berny's el menú es reducido, sólo hay hamburguesas, papas a la francesa y hot dogs; lo cual es una bendición ya que los hacen a la perfeccion.
Las hamburguesa se preparan en una parrilla con carbon, por lo que la carne sale con un delicioso sabor, preparada point, juicy and ready to be tasted.
Berny's does not sell or panela veggie burgers, soy, gluten much less or none of those insults carnivorous palate (in your face amiguis vegans) and do not say chicken. So if your religion, ethics or morals prevent them from eating meat, or are hired by PETA better not go because everything has meat and meat smells.
Berny's is a place with 5 tables and two seats in a makeshift bar, you must arrive with a willingness to wait until 30 minutes since it primarily to lunch or dinner can be well attended.
Go without complex, eating a rich burger, share some potatoes, eat a bulldog, are also rich. Take your morrita cotton or her head. Let yourself be treated well by the grill and the waiters are super friendly and helpful and enjoy what to me for months I was denied ...
a supreme delicacy.
Keep it real and get a hug from me.
plain hamburger cheeseburger
56 58 59
bacon burger with cheese and bacon burger and hot dog
61 30
fries soda
27 16
extra extra mushroom pineapple
12 12
The Berny's slogan is:
"if they like our service recommend us to their friends"
Chamos! I would recommend to the JuanPi that God has it in his glory.